— About us

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— Our Story

                             Hurley House Co. was started as a nameless dream in 2019. Founder Logan Gutwein (pronounced good•wine) was working as an aerospace engineer for a large engineering firm but dreamed of life outside the cubicle. He decided to try his hand at real estate investment and bought a fixer upper.

Fast forward to 2020 where, during Covid lockdown, Logan met his now wife Jess. Her passion for interior design and his experience in home renovations came together in a fun way when they got married and bought a home built in 1905. Where at? Hurley Ave of course! Hurley House Co. was founded out of the joy they shared in fixing up their old home and creating spaces for their family to enjoy for years to come.

But it didn't stop there. The longer Logan and Jess spent in the world of real estate, the more they saw the need for honor and integrity in the industry. After having one too many friends get taken advantage of and suffer at the hand of contractors, they decided enough was enough. Taking the team of vetted and tested contractors he used for his real estate investment projects, Logan created a construction company with the goal of blessing it's clients, not making a profit off of them. And that's how the Hurley House Co. of today came to be!

— Our Process

1Design Consultation

The first step to any project is to meet with us and discuss what you're looking to accomplish. We get to listen in, help make design choices, and talk through how to bring your vision to life! You, on the other hand, get to learn more about who we are and how we operate.
Now that we've learned more about the project, we will generate visual aids to help smooth things out and give shape to those visions you have! We will also be able to quote out the work and begin locking down a project budget. At this stage we'll be able to go back and forth and make tweaks to better fit your vision or budget.

2Models, Drawings, & Renderings

3Timelines & Build Plans

Now that we've crafted some designs, transformed them into tangible plans, and worked out a budget, we are ready to get going. At this point we will provide you with a timeline and building plan to help set good expectations.
Now all that's left to do is make it all happen! You'll receive constant updates throughout the process as we make sure that each detail is handled with care. It's here that our commitment to quality really shines.
